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Half Day 3: “Fallen Giants”

The time of warfare and hunger that the Rapa Nui people went through can be seen and felt in this tour.  You will observe platforms in ruins, with toppled statues facing downwards that have completely lost the “ mana” from their ancestors, abandoning them and  transmitting to us a devastating feeling of how this amazing culture survived in complete isolation.

Pick up time: 9:30 hrs or 02:00 pm (depending on plane arrival)


Ahu Hanga Poukura:  Platform in ruins and dreadful conditions. We will walk around the ahu so as to observe it from the front and also see its amazing rockwork on its back. Walk along the lava formations of the coast till we get to a magnificent blow hole that pours out water with an amazing power depending on the tides.


An ancient village is what you going to see here with 3 amazing ahu, one of them being the largest in ruins laying down along the rocky coast. You will learn how our ancestors lived, cooked, and sheltered in extreme isolation.
